DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise - Split CD
DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise - Split CD
DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise - Split CD
De: R$ 25,00
Por: R$ 20,00
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DODSFERD / WARFORGED - Anthems of Desecration and Demise - Split CD

Dodsferd (Grécia) / Warforged (Brasil)

1. Dodsferd - Fucking Your Creation
2. Dodsferd - You Called it Resurrection; I Call it Fairytale for Human Parasites, Your Kind!
3. Dodsferd - I Can Easily Destroy All the Things I've Created
4. Warforged - When the Brave Are Silent
5. Warforged - Heretic Path
6. Warforged - A Warrior With Empty Eyes
7. Warforged - Eternal Fight

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