BERZABUM – The Compilation To The Infernorum - CD
BERZABUM – The Compilation To The Infernorum - CD
BERZABUM – The Compilation To The Infernorum - CD
R$ 25,00
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BERZABUM – The Compilation To The Infernorum - CD

Compilado da banda brasileira (Rio grande do sul), de Black Metal, lançado em 2017.


Bonus Track (New Track)
1. Methushalac

Demo Methushalac (Original Record 1997)
2. Intro
3. Satanic Majestic
4. Diabolos

Demo call to the rites (Original Record 1995)
5. The Swear
6. The Lord
7. The Return to the Infernorium
8. Evil Fate
9. Demon of Evil
10. Anointment

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